Moored Man Edition
Poems of North Norfolk by Kevin Crossley-Holland • Watercolours and etchings by Norman Ackroyd • Published by Enitharmon Editions. 2006
Arlott and Ackroyd
A celebration of Cricket, Wine, Poetry and Place
with commentary by David Rayvern Allen • Published in a limited edition of 295 by Christopher Saunders. 2002
A Line in the Water
A collaboration between Norman and the award-winning poet Douglas Dunn, taking the reader around the British coast through word and image.
A Line in the Water
Some 80 prints are featured in this book, interleaved with 15 new poems by Dunn, including Working with Norman, based on their visit to the most northerly point of the British Isles.
A Shetland Notebook
A selection of 40 watercolours of Shetland taken from Norman's drawing books.